Nokia launched a mobile phone on Tuesday, a smartphone with the Nokia N8 Ovi services that will enable users to create content and social networking for their favorite. The consumer is in the center of everything we do at Nokia and we are continuously innovating to enhance the user experience and address user feedback. Launched Mobile Phone Nokia leader, who was lost steadily to his rivals in the year from all forms in late on Tuesday smartphone Nokia N8 much anticipated with services Covic, in its attempt to claw back market share and remain relevant to consumers, a fast-changing.
Shares in Nokia's market, while the company today and refused to talk about market share or sales figures, saying it was in silent mode, according to the latest report, to 36.3 twice per cent by the end of June, here from 54 per cent at the end of 2009 and more 70 per cent in 2008. Application Vopium new Symbian OS 3, allows users to make calls to Vopium in other Skype users for free using Wi-Fi and 3G networks of data, while calls to landlines local phones Nokia N8 national industry or the use of data networks only in terms of cost and pence Low with Vopium.
Nokia announces that it is the first company to release the application of VoIP for the newly launched Nokia N8. Use is free to download the application, users can smartphones Symbian 3 energy and action of free Vopium calls and other Skype users, while saving on calls to mobile phones and land. In addition to this, Vopium also comes with the capabilities of Instant Messaging, which allows users to keep up with your buddies on Facebook, Skype, Windows Live Messenger, Google Talk, AIM, Yahoo, ICQ and Twitter.
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