Announced that Samsung Electronics' Galaxy 5 smartphone up to five million mark in sales throughout the world, on Wednesday. Achieved this feat in just four months of its release in June, selling an average of 40,000 a day or every two seconds. Samsung expects these numbers to grow dramatically, with the expectations of the five million sold in the United States by the end of the year and 10-15 million worldwide. With the recent launch of the phone in China and Japan now, these numbers seem reasonable. And also called for Samsung to sell a robot inspired, tab Galaxy, on all major airlines in the United States and four in all parts of the world for the holiday season.
The world's No.2 mobile phone maker also introduced a new smartphone called the second wave, run its Bada operation, which aims to market segment.Galaxy medium-range S, Samsung's answer to the iPhone, is powered by Google Android operating system and sold through the airlines in all parts of the world about 100, including the United States telecommunications four main operators.The Galaxy Tasha model Samsung smartphone bestseller, almost matching the total smartphone sales of last year. Samsung said it aims to sell another phone Galaxy 5000000 s in the current quarter.
But the S Galaxy, who runs Google's Android operating system, which is turning around. Joined the Samsung among the makers of smartphone saved by switching to Android.But foreign companies on a roll in the market for smartphones is growing rapidly with the presence of Accounting Apple to get the lion's share, or 72 percent, followed by HTC of Taiwan in second place and Canada's Research In Motion in the center IV. Samsung has announced the launch of two tools in a joint press conference with NTT DoCoMo, Japan's largest mobile operator, in Tokyo.
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